Hand in hand with this vision, Berjaya Group Philippines in partnership with Gawad Kalinga found their common objective – bring hope and a future to the less fortunate. It is in our knowledge and understanding that having a decent home to live in is the basic foundation of any family. Across 17 towns nationwide, wherever the need arises, Berjaya and GK continue to build communities and hope for 820 families (as of October 2015): from disaster survivors and victims to indigenous groups, farmers, and relocated informal settlers.
Gawad Kalinga hosted The 3rd Global Social Business Summit 2016 held at GK Enchanted Farm in Barangay Encanto, Angat Bulacan last January 16, 2016, wherein Mr. Paul Soo – Berjaya Philippines’ Country Head was invited to talk about Berjaya’s role and experience in turning Corporate Social Responsibility into Corporate Social Investment (CSR to CSI) with relation to its campaign and participation in GK’s vision of building communities for our poor fellowmen. “In almost all the turn over ceremonies that were held in the Berjaya-GK villages, we see to it that we let our employees be present. This was, they will be able to see
Berjaya Philippines Country Head, Mr. Paul Soo together with Gawad Kalinga Team and fellow speakers for the Global Social Business Summit 2016 in Gk enchanted Farm, Angat, Bulacan and feel how it is like to personally experience reaching out to those in need”, says Mr. Paul Soo. “They will be able to feel the unity as a part of Berjaya Group and in return, be examples of responsible citizenship, and doers of Berjaya’s vision and stand when it comes to Corporate Social Responsibility, hence, turning it into Corporate Social Investment”, he added.